Since the OPPO BD is not a 'replacement' for any of their current DVD players, it will not affect the sales of those much.

Whereas, giving you information about the 'new' Outlaw pre/pro can directly affect the sales of their current product line, due to the buyers will be waiting for the next product.

So, I personally don't think you're going to get a reply about it.
Current Setup:
Samsung HL61A750 LED DLP RPTV
Marantz SR5004 AVR / Outlaw 7075 Amp
L/C/R: Ascend Acoustics 340M/C/M
L&R Surrounds: Ascend Acoustics CBM 170
SVS 25-31PC
Panasonic BD55K Blu-Ray Player
Dishnetwork VIP722 HD/PVR.