Garcianc2003: Thanks for the reply

I was able to re-create the problem.

I use the DVD player as my CD player
The optical output from the DVD Player is connected to the 990 for both CD playback & DVD audio playback.

Here is the issue. After listening to a CD in stereo / upsample...I pop in a DVD and once the DVD starts...the 990 shows Dolby Digital on its display with all 5 speakers shown. But...the audio remains in stereo!

To get the surround sound I found I have to select a different input on the remote and then go back to the original input (in this case Video 1).

Note> I listen to CD's & watch DVD's both in thru Video 1.

It seems like the 990 audio output is maintained for a specific input until that input is recycled.

Now that I know how it happens I can work around it pretty easily.

Any thoughts?
Maybe this is normal operation and I never noticed before.