psyprof1, newer rating systems are making my teeth grind. Your right I'm sure, like the ratings for gas and diesel engines have gone to kw instead of hp. I'll have to look up how to convert. I tested the 1.6 or 1.8 Magies (can't remember) with my HK Cit. V 40 wpc and they push them very well. They were being pushed with VTLs at the time.
My main pres are HK Cit 1, Scott 130 and a birdnests version of the Ground grid from Transcendent Sound, I have others also but seldom are used. There are surround sound tube preamps Fosgate makes one and is out of my reach.

Time to take out the soldier gun and lets fix the 70.
Altec 9440
Cit 1
Cit V
Scott 130
Scott 399
Cabasse Egea II s
ADS L560s