Bestbang4ABuck wrote:

First, my apologies for the misspelling of delius. It was not intentional, likely a semi-conscious crossover of another word on my mind of similar spelling. The use of bold is my common practice when using a forum name within sentences.
So even though I told you specifically you were misspelling it and you continued to spell it as you did in boldface.... nevermind, apology accepted! Truth be told, it's not my real name. And if I might say, if "Bestbang4ABuck" is not your real name, I suggest you change it. As a username, it really sucks. It's really more of a motto than a name. Even "Sluggo" is better, although it's hard to come up with a name that makes you sound any stupider than "Sluggo". Anyway.

Also, while I am willing to offer and/or exchange opinion, information and questions, I'm unwilling to attempt debate for I find no framework in this topic thread of late within which a reasonable debate might take place. This may help explain my lack of a certain type of response. This lack of response is not meant to be an insult. Limitation: I do not take responsibility for the reaction, which I perceive as acerbic, to either of these circumstances.
Whether you take it or not, you and you aloneare responsible for your reactions. I find there is a hell of a lot of "blame shifting" going on here, with people not taking responsiblity for their actions and reactions. People blaming others for the fact that they are making libelous and fallacious accusations against manufacturers and others here.
People even blaming me for them coming into this thread. If read people's words, it even sounds like they are blaming me for them being too stupid to read anything that is longer than 3 lines. No, *blame yourselves*. It's only fools that blame others for their actions and reactions. I did not force anyone to mock and ridicule Hifisoundguy/GoodSound for 300+ messages, did I? Nor am I forcing anyone to mock and ridicule me. Nor should anyone whine about it if they receive the same disrespect from me that they offer me or others.

As for being "unwilling to attempt debate", I believe you did. Like the others, you never saw it through. Not that I expected anyone to actually declare "Yeah Delius, I guess you're right and I was wrong about all this Belt and CLC stuff! Uh, color me stoopid! Sorry about the derision and contempt and all! I think I see your point about us being mindless sheep, now! Who knew you were right all along!".

Well... I did. Which is why I know that any attempt to debate from anyone here is an insincere one, since you are only trying to "debunk" me in the name of all that is holy and righteous about audio, and will never let your runaway ego's admit that you really don't know doodly about alternative audio products.

Another question: If many of the PWB products are meant to address areas of concern not directly related to the physical or direct electrical performance of audio/visual equipment in recording, storing or playback, then might one infer that some PWB treatments would enhance the perception of a live performance of voices and acoustic-only based instruments, if only in the overcoming of problems perceived to be present in a listening environment?
Correct. There is in fact a PWB product that addresses this concern, called the "CC Tie Pin" I believe. It is meant to be worn on the person at live events, to enjoy an enhanced sense of perception at that event. I have not yet experimented with "outside onsite Belting" myself, so I won't say how well that works. But I have no reason to believe it doesn't, because I have experimented with Belting fabrics, and that's basically what that does. It's a product that reduces the adverse energy on your clothing, which translates to better sensory perception. Another area I've not experimented with, but read a tiny bit about, is the treatment of musical instruments. I would expect that you can Belt instruments as well, but I don't know how well that would work. Another interesting proposition is to treat an entire recording studio, from mics to cables to mixing board to recording equipment. Then see what effect that has on the recording itself.