Sluggo the Troll wrote:

Speaking of enlightenment, I was enlightened by reading these enlightened musings by the very enlightened PWB bunch, and one of the PWB newsletters by the infamous Richard Graham.
Enlighten us, oh Slug-like one. Why is he "infamous"? I don't think anyone apart from the PWB discussion group and his personal circle of friends knows him.

And what exactly were you so "enlightened" by, troll? The fact that you were wrong when you kept implying to me that there was no internet discussion group that accepted open and respectful discussions of alternative audio like Belt products? Witless fool that you are, even with your size 11 still in your mouth, I'll accept your apology on that. And extend it by accepting your admission that you were wrong about everything else you said here to me as well.

Very, very enlightening. And light reading, too!
Didn't I tell you already to stop lying? Nothing is "light reading" for you! Oh, and I'm glad you discovered anew word for you, "enlighten". Too bad you'll never experience it. Keep writing to Santa, maybe he can help.


Sluggo The Troll wrote:

Not knowing just how these forums were before he trolled on in, I can't say how much of the fact that they're lacking in decent discussion is his fault. However, where the forum reaches its nadir, he's right in the middle of it.
So how are things in "Reverso World" Sluggo? Is up still down? Are lies still truth? Here's how things are in the real world: The forum you're referring to was a place where derision and ridicule ruled. It's what gets "little people" off. Naturally, that skyrocketed once I got there. But that's not my fault, I'm not responsible if you or others wish to behave like assholes. Just stop expecting me to behave differently if that's the way you wanna play it. On discussion forums, Beltists always make the best targets for bigoted assholes like yourself, who heap mockery, scorn and ridicule upon them, simply because they don't understand them or the products they use. After my time there, a professional audio journalist I'd been corresponding with emailed me to say that it was refreshing to see how I had actually gotten that forum to have serious audio discussions "for a change". Before me, it hadn't happened in -years-. Even members of the forum who vehemently disagreed on everything I said, agreed on that much. After I left, it went back to the usual dearth of serious audio discussion.

Now as for Outlaw.... I haven't checked the other threads before gracing the place with my presence, but I know for a fact before posting here there were several hundred messages in this thread alone, all of which consisted of members of this forum attacking a single member because of a product he used and supported. There was NO attempts made by you or anyone at any serious discussion of these products, from all I could see.

In fact, the only half-assed attempts made at serious discussion in this thread occurred when I came along. I know because you're one of those that made a half-assed feeble-minded attempt to seriously discuss alternative audio products & techniques. The problem is, I gave you a serious response and you ran the f**k away and hid under your bed like a frightened child. And then pretended I never responded. Same with every other person who attempted to debate or discuss the issues, that I gave serious and detailed responses to. Including my last serious response to garcianc2003, who unlike you and the rest of your band of ignorant trolls, had the good sense and "class" to apologize for attacking me with the usual sarcasm and ridicule.

Now if you want to have a serious audio discussion, troll, as you "pretend" that you do, then you can start by attempting to refute what I wrote to you in our little pseudo-debate. Heck its' been several hundred messages we've seen you mentally masturbating all over this thread every time a product is mentioned that you don't get, and I've still yet to see a shred of evidence from you, or anyone, that these products don't work or that the science behind them is false. Hell, you don't even know anything about the science behind them, so you don't even have a pot to piss in as far as attempting to refute them is concerned! Maybe that's why all you're capable of is ad hominem attacks?

What you first need to do, Greg Sluggo, is apologize humbly and sincerely for accusing Outlaw members and audio manufacturers of "fraud", "shilling" and "Scamming", when you have failed to show ANY evidence to support your libelous claims .