First, my apologies for the misspelling of delius. It was not intentional, likely a semi-conscious crossover of another word on my mind of similar spelling. The use of bold is my common practice when using a forum name within sentences. Also, while I am willing to offer and/or exchange opinion, information and questions, I’m unwilling to attempt debate for I find no framework in this topic thread of late within which a reasonable debate might take place. This may help explain my lack of a certain type of response. This lack of response is not meant to be an insult. Limitation: I do not take responsibility for the reaction of delius, which I perceive as acerbic, to either of these circumstances.

Another question: If many of the PWB products are meant to address areas of concern not directly related to the physical or direct electrical performance of audio/visual equipment in recording, storing or playback, then might one infer that some PWB treatments would enhance the perception of a live performance of voices and acoustic-only based instruments, if only in the overcoming of problems perceived to be present in a listening environment?