Originally posted by Jason J:
[QUOTE]Here's something that will make Home Theater and Music much more enjoyable, Two Clever Little Clocks from www.machinadynamica.com You can get these clocks cheaper over on www.audiogon.com in the Tweak site there $125.00 each. They have a thread on these clocks here http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1138572451&read&3&4&
Next problem I have with you: Your accusation that HFSG/GoodSound made attempts to sell Machina Dynamica's products here. Keep making unfounded accusations like that, and that's not going to lessen my rudeness with you either, btw. As with all the rest here, you provide no factual evidence to make such egregious claims...
The top quote is the very first post in this entire thread. The bottom quote is from your latest batch of hot air.
Don't confuse my posts with yours, Jr. My posts are the only thing of substance on this group. The lame snide remarks consisting of 1 line, which make up 99% of the posts here, including yours, are what can be termed "hot air", or better, "worthless crap". In my last response to you, I posted strong and cogent arguments to your half-assed attempt to debate me, and this is all you've been able to come back with! "Hot shit", more like it. I mean my God man, with your disappointing show of things thus far, unlike some of your friends here, you can't even -pretend- that you know something about audio or have half a brain in your head.

As for these quotes, what's your point? That HFSG is a shill because he mentions where you can get CLC's if anyone wants to try them? How is that any different from someone here talking about buying Outlaw products? What, it's okay to shill for Outlaw but not MD? HFSG also talked about some jiffy lube product he liked, and he also advocated buying Outlaw products. So does that mean besides being paid by MD, he's also being paid by the jiffy lube people and Outlaw? You've proven nothing, except that you have nothing better to do than respond to people you don't want to respond to, and concoct paranoid conspiracy theories about people who's motivations you claim to know. But don't. Maybe if you didn't fill your head up with those stupid paranoid conspiracy theories you and your friends keep wasting time thinking up, you might not be as obtuse as you are.

And you really need a reason why nobody here cares about your posts?? [/QB]
There's that winning logic of yours again. Sorry, I come from the real world, where facts and proof count for something, and logic has a known standard. So its pretty easy to comment on the idiocy of your grande statement here, by saying, if no one cares about my posts, then why are you and others continuing to respond to them or write about them? Not just that, but why are you going to the trouble to pull quotes from them, pull quotes from other posts in this thread hundreds of posts before mine, in order to make the point about my posts that no one cares about them? Aren't you also the same idiot that said everyone would stop responding to me.... about 65 posts ago? And you really need a reason for why I keep on calling everyone here ignorant morons?