Sorry, but you have not. Your original point was not that you'd tried the tweaks, it was that you said we were all idiots for forming opinions without trying them.
And your problem with that is what....? Do you want me to apologize for pointing out your blatant ignorance in this thread? How you can even pretend to justify damning products you've never tried and know nothing about, and being so g-d arrogant as to call their manufacturers "scammers", is beyond me. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's what I'm talking about:

Sluggo says:

Sounds like a scam...or perhaps, scamola.
Speaking of being idiots for forming opinions without trying them, here is a personal insult you made to another member here, one who was advocating products you never tried and know nothing about, but nevertheless seem to think you know enough about them to call their manufacturer a scammer:

Sluggo says:

HFSG, I believe that maybe you have been extensively modified using a number of highly-specialized techniques.
In another post, full of those "nonexistant facts" that you so despise, you blatantly accused this forum member, a member who attacked absolutely NO ONE, in any message he ever wrote in his life (as far as I can see), of being an insincere troll, and worse, taking a commission from a company who's products he advocates....

Sluggo Says:

If HFSG isn't having some fun with the forum making us all tut-tut his adherence to this nonsense, he's almost definitely making a buck off of any sales resulting. Either way, we're playing the game his way.
If you want to hide behind the "no one product works for everyone" facade, fine,
It's not a "facade", it's a fact that no product works for everyone, and do I sound to you like I would hide behind -anything-?

but it's a two way street, because at a basic level these products do not work for me, and just like you, my opinion is all that matters when facts are nonexistent.
No, you're not "just like me". When facts are nonexistent and I don't understand how something does or even can work, I don't beat my chest and shout derisively at anyone who presents such a product, pretending I'm now a f&$*ing expert on it. That's because its the behaviour of a stupid, arrogant pig, who pretends to be intelligent but hasn't even yet learned to think for himself. What I'm trying to say is, you are not presenting your views as "opinions". You are presenting them as "facts". I think you would need this to be illustrated in the simplest way possible, because your posts show you don't seem to understand the difference between opinions, claims and outright false accusations:


Sluggo says: "It is my opinion that the CLC clock and your silver foils do not work."

Sluggo might even go on to say: "I qualify my opinion by stating that in lieu of facts that I can readily absorb and understand, I have to assume they don't work".


Sluggo says: "The CLC clock does not work, neither does any of this other ridiculous bullsh&t you're trying to foist upon us, and the manufacturer is a scammer, who even admitted it doesn't work!!"

Now let's revisit what Sluggo actually said in this thread, shall we?

Sluggo Says:

From the sound of the Belt scenario, it's probably a pyramid scheme, like Amway or Scientology, or most any middle management position. He's definitely going to make a lot of money on this.
Speaking of "nonexistent facts" Sluggo, what factual evidence do you have to even think of suggesting Belt's company is a "pyramid scheme"? Do you understand what the concept of "libel" constitutes? Do you consider making groundless and libelous accusations against manufacturers to be "intelligent debate"? I'm sure the owners of this web site do not.

But you didn't stop at libelling PWB Electronics, did you? No, you shot off your fat arrogant yap to where you were hurling groundless and libelous remarks at Machina Dynamica, here:

Sluggo says:

Come on, this is crap and even Geoff knows it. He's so brazen about it he'll even tell you.

...There are apparently enough people out there who think nothing of throwing their money away, which explains why a company like Machina Dynamica stays in business.
Two factually unqualified statements where you not only claim that you know for a fact that MD puts out useless products, but that MD's founder, knows for a "fact" that his products do not work, and yet sells them anyhow. You did not show a single shred of verifiable evidence to support your contention that Kaitt claimed his own products were bogus, even though that would have been trivial to support your allegations against him, and the least one would expect before making slanderous accusations toward someone who's products you never even tried.

One other thing, delius - the concept of "intelligent debate" would never rely upon name calling.
I agree. Which is why I saw absolutely NO attempt at "intelligent debate" from you or your posse for the breadth and length of hundreds of messages. Proud of what you and your friends have offered for internet posterity, are you? Here's how you welcome new members who dare to have an opinion on audio that doesn't meet your qualifications:

Sluggo says:

And they all got their heads handed to them as well. Anyone who makes such a claim without any quantification or qualification is asking for it in these parts.
So in other words, if someone has an opinion on an audio product and they don't provide enough evidence that you can easily digest to back it up according to your standards, they get their "heads handed to them on a plate". And you wonder where -my- attitude comes from, eh, lil' Slugger? Let me remind you that you made -no shortage- of claims and accusations "without quantification or qualification". Therefore, by your own belligerent words, you're "asking for it".

Here's another example below, of your idea of "intelligent debate". It can also be used to serve as an example of what your idea of "intelligence" is. Because you even criticize audiophiles who describe the sound of audio products as not having "opinions" but "fiction". In other words, you're stating as fact that whatever they claim to hear, is fictional, because it isn't accompanied by the various "quantifications and qualifications" you personally require before accepting the experiences of others as valid. Then, almost as if you felt you weren't being enough of an arrogant d*ck here, you condemned HFSG and all other forum members as having worthless opinions if not accompanied by your precious "quantifications and qualifications", while you had no qualms about posting outright defamatory (and inflammatory) remarks and accusations against both Outlaw Forum members and manufacturers of the products that the members advocate, without so much as a hint of "quantifications and qualifications" to back your arrogant dross up.

Sluggo says:

Sorry, Facts ARE quantifications and qualifications, and opinions not based upon facts (even perceptions, like "I noticed the highs rolled off less") aren't opinions, they're fiction (even if we still call them opinions).
It just makes it clear that you have a lot of anger towards your mom for making you live in her basement.
Wow... the "you're still living in your parent's basement" quip. I didn't realize I was surrounded by 21st century Oscar Wilde's. How long did it take you to come up with that brilliant piece of originality? Given what this says about your relative level of intelligence, I'm wondering if I should even meet your hackneyed attempt at witticism with a comeback line? No, I think I'll give you a pass, Sluggette. It occurred to me that you probably really are living in your parent's basement. Or at least, whatever section of the trailer home that y'all have designated as "the basement".

And finally, your last coup de maitre:

Seriously, who wants to read all of that? Do you really think yourself that interesting? I think you may be in for an awakening, rude-style. This is less interesting than your average white paper.
First, I couldn't care less whether you read me or not. Second, you just admitted "white papers" are not interesting to you. Obviously, they hurt your brain, as much as reading beyond three lines of text hurts your brain. Yet you tried to convince me at the beginning that you were capable of an intelligent debate. So now it becomes clear why you bash advanced products you don't understand. You couldn't understand them even if you wanted to. So whatever hurts your brain, makes you angry. And whatever makes you angry.... you bash. Nice "debating" with you, Sluggo. Looks like I win by default. But you could have saved us both some time if you simply admitted at the first that you weren't intelligent enough to even read a debate, let alone engage in one.