Suuuure. A direct quote from the keyboard of the mighty Geoff:

The reason I bring this up is because the silver foil is an example of a device that affects sound "remotely" - the effect of the PWB foil is due to the change in our *perception* of the sound, as opposed to any change or modification to the audio system. So, what is going on here?!
Come on, this is crap and even Geoff knows it. He's so brazen about it he'll even tell you.

Here are some quotes from other testers:

  • So the CLC doesn't affect the stereo itself in any way. The CLC is affecting the listener. More specificly the listener's state of mind. You will hear a difference if you want too. Like being hypnotized.
  • Maybe it's me, maybe it's my system or my room, but I just can't reliably tell when it's in or out of the room, and I detected no difference between placement on the stump or in the company car across the street.
  • I could not convince myself that there was any appreciable difference in the audio.

And this one is my favorite:

Would I pay $200 for it? No. Would I pay $50... yes, just because it's fun to play around with. It's great fun to find that you can really change your perceptions so easily, whether it's the clock doing it or your own thinking.
There are apparently enough people out there who think nothing of throwing their money away, which explains why a company like Machina Dynamica stays in business.