I would like to tell eveyone here that these clocks really do work! I have two in my system and I did a tweak to them and its a night and day difference now! Here's what I did, I put some P.W.B. Memory Foil from http://www.belt.demon.co.uk on the batteries inside the clocks but before I put the foil and creams on the batteries I put the foil in the freezer. Here's what I did, I put the foil and creams in a freezer bag and put it in the freezer for 4 days. After that I wraped freezer bag with aluminum foil and then wraped it in a thick towel and put it in the freezer for 12 more hours. After that I put it in the refrigerator for 48 hour and then I put it in the coldest part of the house for 24 hours. After that I then put the creams and foil on the batteries. Big Big improvement!!