I showed up to the game late on this post... Holy cow!

For anyone familiar with Burger King's new spokesperson, Dr. Angus ("I have a PhD in Cheesy!"), I think we just found his illegitimate son.

As for the clocks, allow me to retort with my own bit of pseudo-science...

Two digital alarm clocks sitting in phase would actually create a larger vortex of disruptive energy. What physics taught me is that light has a weight, albeit at the Angstrom level. Nonetheless, the "weight" of the light emitted from the digital display, coupled with an identical digital display analogous in nature and addressed in the sagittal plane would empirically materialize a virtual vortex of saturated energy, which manifests into a symbiotic relationship with said auditory source, thus creating a torrent of interference juxtaposed quadraphonically to an etherial plane of alternate existence. Now here's where it gets complicated...

Do us a favor HFSG, troll some where else. Either that or post on something thought provoking involving "archaic" home theater methods. Now if you don't mind, I have to whack my Pterodactyl with a club to get it to play the B-side of my stone-ground LP - a la the Flintstones.