Originally posted by HiFiSoundGuy:
Mackey your right, the possibilities are endless but at a price $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! They are lots of sockers out there that will fall for it too!!
At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, the near-unanimous concensus here ("near" only because I'm counting HFSG's clear stance on the subject) is that purchasing any Peter Belt product is essentially the definition of someone being suckered. Come on, here, it's a battery-powered clock (or a sheet of aluminum foil, or a jar of cream) that by its mere presence in your vicinity affects how you hear (or apparently see). The whole principle on which Belt's array of products is based is a scientifically ludicrous carte blanche for ripping people off, and it relies on people's willingness to believe some techno-babble (and their ability to convince themselves that the gibberish justifies the money they've forked over) to keep his customers from trying to tar and feather him. Some might even say that it's a polar opposite of Outlaw's business approach (offering a no-frills design approach that gives lots of bang for the buck rather than writing bad science fiction and using it to sell junk at an exorbitant profit), and it's certainly an approach that is never going to get a foothold with the regular crowd around here. As I've said before, I'll give HFSG points for persistence and wish him well with his upcoming RR2150, but hopefully he's already recognized that further hyping of these products is serving only to provide a bizarre form of amusement for everyone involved.
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