To switch the amps on I wired a 500mA wall wart thru a relay to turn on 10 of the amps via the DCV input on the back of the M200's (these ten amps run my front two main speakers), they are triggered by the #1 12V relay on the 990. The other three amps are turned on by a second wall wart that is controlled by a second relay and is triggered by the #2 12V relay on the 990. This was done since the last three amps control the center and back surround speakers so they only need to be on when the source requires surround sound, otherwise they remain off when I am listening in stereo mode. The amps all run through one of two brick wall surge protectors and the amps are split evenly among two seperate 20A circuits, so turning all of them on at once is not a problem. Your last question, Gonk, was what I had the most difficulty trying to find. A relay that could handle the output I needed and still be triggered by only a 50mA 12V source.

Not to insult anyones intelligence but for those who don't know a relay keeps the activation cicuit electrically isolated from the output circuit. Essentially it uses a small voltage to control a significantly larger voltage (or amperage).