Facts ARE quantifications and qualifications
Semantics of my statement. Thanks

and opinions not based upon facts (even perceptions, like "I noticed the highs rolled off less") aren't opinions, they're fiction (even if we still call them opinions)
Here, in this context, we differ. Fiction is a lie and would be deliberately false or has the intent to deceive. Opinions are beliefs one has about a certain issue, usually not based on facts but on observations.

Blogging is correct that the weight of an opinion should be based on experience and expertise. This clock guy hasn't shown me much in the way of experience or expertise, which is why I (and many others) dismiss his claim outright. The opposite is true when someone like Gonk gives an opinion, I listen and don't believe it is fictitious because I've learned to value his opinion over the years, even in instances where I disagree.

My original point is that something this silly and petty as those clocks has now got close to 30 posts.....and I've wasted perfectly good beer drinking time typing about it.