The change to PL2 is not spontanious, it happens if you set a PCM stereo source to, let's say, upsample mode. It will stay in that mode until it is hit with some other signal type (like DD or DTS) in that case it will decode as expected. But when you hit it with PCM again, it will not return to Upsample, but the dreaded PL2 cinama.
If you set a preset button to the upsample mode, and only play PCM through it, It will retain the setting. And of course you can set a second button with the same digital input, and set it's preset to, let's say, DD+PL2 music. If you hit this with PCM, it will go to PL2c, but when DD comes back it will keep it's preset (DD+PL2m) However, the other button, with it's Upsample WILL NOT retain when PCM is changed to DD and back to PCM (PL2 now)
This is just how it worked before the update.
However, now the PL2 DOES sound better and I can easily see what mode I am in before changing it.
Upgrade is sure better in many ways, for sure do it.
But, the real annoyanace left is this. Also, I want to have PL2 attached to any DTS track. I can't preselect this, unless a DTS siganl is present (same as before) But, I haven't tested to see if it retaines the last applied processing used with DTS when it sees DTS again after a DD or PCM siganl. If it does, that would be cool...