So, I did a little Googling and found out two things, neither of which is that surprising. Maybe some long term Outlaw audio gurus already knew about the ‘tweak’ site HFSG is ultimately promoting, but today was my first visit.

1) HFSG seems to show up in several forums under different names promoting various items including colored foils and colored creams in addition to clocks with colored dots.

2) It seems that the ‘inspiration’ for many of HFSG's posts comes from a web site with a home page , a product page and a bit of waxing philosophical in a piece called “ What A Mess -- an alternate view of reality .” Some of the product descriptions . . . well, they speak for themselves.

Caution: before delving into part two too deeply, there are measures perhaps some of us should take. The preemptive cautions may range from wearing a Depends to a bit of legal moderate imbibing. I’m thinkin’ this fellow was using his Quantum Clip for some reality altering other than described in that product’s usage for improving audio, video and satellite reception.