Finally got the upgrade installed. Actually, my biggest error was user error. I used USB and skipped down too far in the directions (where I thought they only pertained to serial). Turns out I skipped down way too far.

Once I realized what happened, I got 1 Device Restart error before it went through.

Wasn't too painful, but wasn't too intuitive either.

I didn't really use the 990 at all before the upgrade, so I can't really comment on the performance enhancement. Everything seems to work fine now.

I still am confused by the subwoofer settings. What is LFE Only? I have large floor standing f/l/c and large bookshelf rears (which I set to small in the 990), but I don't know what to choose for the sub.

Still trying to understand all of the different surround options...dialogue sounds quite soft through my center channel compared to the rest of the system, even though I turned it up about 10db (I've been using primarily PLII Movie, I believe - maybe this is wrong as it looks like that is for 2 channel source material??). The speaker is in a cabinet (Axis 8024) and even though I pulled it out as far as I could, I think the cabinet and the strange design of the tweeter - speaker is B&W HTM3S - might be the culprits. Any ideas?
