
Started to build my MX-700 file, (remote due in Fri)

Status so far:

Main page 1: are my macros
main page 2: my devices

All my gear is in the IR database except the 990..I will take Gonk's advice and learn the 990 functions.

What about my cable box, Scientific Atlanta 3100HD, it was in the database pulled it in, but it has no power on/off button assigned??

1) Is it better to learn it, or attempt other SA box models?

2)Let's say the wife presses macro "watch TV", it turns on the TV, puts you into TV input 3,turn on cable box..if I end the macro there will you be able to change cable tv channels with number pad? or do you need to add another macro step, "go to cable box device page 1"to work number pad? another words you want channel 102, press 1,0,2

so far I kind of like the software..I hope once the remote really gets here no major issues...

Thanks Vince