Originally posted by assid:
Anyone want to buy an MX 850? I've had the thing for a year and I still can't figure it out. I've spent way too many hours trying to program the damn thing. Worst thing I've ever bought.
Don't they make one where you don't have to hook the damn thing up to a computer? I just want to be able to point the two remotes at each other and learn/assign the codes to buttons, just like I could with the remote that came with my Adcom pre'pro I bought back in 1995.
I'm so frustrated with the damn thing, I'm tempted to go outside and slam it onto the cement. I think it would be more satisfying than getting some money for it on EBay.
I think you can learn remote codes without hooking it up to a computer, buy you wouldn't be able to add any labels to the buttons in LCD section.

If you didn't want the flexibility of programming via the PC, you were oversold on the 850. The MX-500 would have done everything you needed (unless you require RF capability).

You can get the 500 for under $100, and you should be able to get more than that for the 850 on eBay.

The controls for the 850 are so much more powerful than the 500 though, have you given any thought to try programming it again? There's any easy to follow tutorial at the Universal Remote Website that walks you through each of the steps.
