Hey there! Brand new to this forum but hoping to find some good info on the 990.

I'm currently using a Denon 2802 as a pre-amp with a Parasound HCA-855A providing the "juice" in my HT system. I have been wanting to upgrade to a dedicated processor and I want to keep it in a decent budget. I was recently offered a good deal on a Rotel 1068 for about the same price as the 990. I have been doing my homework and it seems the 990 has more current features.

I'm wondering a couple of things though.

1. Am I going to notice a big difference going with a processor like the 990 over my current set up?

2. Would the Rotel have any andvantages over the 990?

My equipment list is as follows: Rocket speakers (550 mkII's, 200, and 300 surrounds) along with an SVS PB12 plus 2 running the low end.

Thanks for any help!