Gonk & Gopher:

BEWARE of the 1080P displays. Scaling of SD material can look UGLY if not done right. However, the reality is that it IS going that direction with regard to microdisplay based projectors, at least for rear projection. Fine at the end of the day, as noted by the Gonk-a-rama, but keep in mind that nothing will be distributed to consumers in the US in a format other than 720P or 1080I for the foreseeable future.


Your admonishment noted. Since I'm in the midst of this it is important to say that sure, I'd prefer HDMI over DVI, but that give the cost burden to do HDMI correctly at this time means that I'm also satisfied wtih DVI as opposed to similarly priced products that don't have ANY capability for digital video switching. You are correct to add a note of sanity. I guess it should be said that I don't think that anyone is chastising those who want HDMI, but rather that we are trying to put reason to the discussion as it pertains to the decision made to include DVI in the 990 while still keeping the price where it is for the market as it stands today. For NOW I offer that the Outlaws did the right thing. For a product they might introduce 18 months from now, when things have settled down and the TOTAL technology package (Rx/scaler-processor/Tx) is more affordable, I think the standard we'd hold them to will be different.