I stand happily corrected!

I added myself to the waitlist 06/21 and received an invite 06/23. I guess the queue for the current batch is getting small (I dunno if that's a good thing, or a bad thing).

Naturally, I ordered... and added the t-shirt and cap to boot. (I figure Outlaw could use some free advertising)... and sprung for overnight shipping.

/me waits.

/me waits (and taps a foot).

/me waits.

Did I say that /me waits. :-)

The death of my current preamp leaves me without audio of any sort (except the TV speakers). Well, I suppose I could route the variable line out of my Sony HDTV to my Stratos Plus amp, and thence my speakers, but that just seams a cruel thing to do to a Stratos amp and B&G speakers.
no good deed goes unpunished