I own the SVS 20-39pc+, it is incredibly satisfying. I was listening to many different subs and had in narrowed down to a Totem and a Velodyne when I stumbled onto the SVS web-page. After reading so many of the reviews, I decided to try it. Like Outlaw, you are given time to audition it in your home. After just a few hours of throwing everything at it, both my wife and I knew that this sub was staying, (however it is a huge cylinder, 39" tall and 16" in diameter). Six months later I still am impressed with how it handles both music and movies. Since the time that we bought this, I have had the opportunity to listen to the previously mentioned subs again. I am glad I save the money by buying the SVS, it really sounds so much better than these others. Like the 950/770 I own, you can find excellent products sold only through the internet.