I have a universal player. It is easy for me to tell the difference between CD and high-rez. While I understand that many may not, or don't care to, acknowledge the notably superior formats, I hope that both (or at least one) format survives. At the start I was more in the DVDA camp, but I have crossed over to the SACD one. The BIG advantage (potentially) is the hybrid format of SACD which plays in CD players and the simple track access. DVDA, however, is talking of adding hybrid playback and does have the extra of video menus/lyrics, etc.

I pray that at least one will survive despite the 'I don't care or see any advantage' mentalities out there. If we had that mindset on video, we'd all still have VHS.

[This message has been edited by Slee_Stack (edited July 27, 2003).]