I don't know if this improves anyone's perspective on this shipment/reservations schedule or not, but here goes anyway....

My reservation was confimed received at 9:02PM EDT on 4/17. I am assuming that this would place me in the first batch of reservations.

I received my invite to convert to firm order on Sunday 5/8 at 6:28PM on 5/8.
I did'nt however, place the order until the following day (Monday 5/9)at 2:50PM EDT.
I immediately received confirmation of the order (2 emails).

I have not received however, any confirmation of shipment and/or tracking number.

Outlaw has advised me that my order will ship at the beginning of next week.
So I assume that the first shipment of units are still being processed considering that my reservation was in 2 minutes after the website opened.