
I personally, like to tune my sub to remove some of the room modes that are present no matter where you are in the room. ie a window rattles. Is that present everywhere in the room? yes..

Secondly, trying to reduce some of the boomy frequencies from my couch potato spot. This involves using the equipment I have (including a FBD) and generating a larger set of frequency tests that the amount you listed above. Then additional listening to a number of movies that I know cause problems at critical areas like Perl Harbour, LOTR, K-19, etc.

Really, we tweak these to our taste and thats the best we can ask for given room dynamics and our taste in hearing. Someone else given the same tools will come up with something different..

I am not attempting to come up with an average for the whole room. This is not a commercial theater, this is my theater and in my theater, you only have a few places to sit... By design..

Think of it as being a giant set of headphones that can hold 3 to 6 people in a 3600 cubic foot room...

I have tested most of the auto room setup equipment that comes with like the Yamaha RX2500, Denon 3805, etc. and they do a decent job of setting up a "giant headphone" for people that know zero about surround sound and like it that way.. Maybe in my books its not good enough, but I don't think its all marketing..

If you are the party type that has 50 people over, nothing will work as the room changes just by adding the warm bodies...

We all have our preferences on how to set these toys up. I am just voicing mine incase someone else finds it of interest.

Do what you like, if that involves standing on your head, kudos.. smile