I can't help but believe that the pricing and feature set comparisons between the 990 and 1070 is what is actually driving the 1070's release. The Outlaw's have a pre/pro and a receiver with roughly the same feature set (outside the balanced outputs, USB port, and probably other items) and with similar costs. As a consumer, if the 990 does not offer significant features above the 1070, then I will probably look at purchasing a 1070, save a few dollars, and use it as a pre/pro. In this situation, the Outlaw's have out priced the 990.

Also consider the following scenario. If I'm considering making the jump to separates, the 1070 might be advanced enough to keep me out of separates and into a receiver. Since the Outlaw's sell amps, this could hurt their amp sales.

Don't get me wrong, I like Outlaw's equipment. I just happen to think that the Outlaw's were forced into releasing the 990 before the 1070 to ensure that the 990 and amp sales will not be hurt by the 1070's sales. Call me jaded, but a part of me believes that the 1070's are in a warehouse somewhere just waiting for the 990 to gain some market share.