Hi All,

I've spent the last 3 weeks in search of an
a/v system for my apartment. I'm definitely glad
I waited before buying anything now though!!

I've been all up & down the spectrum like Pioneer
THX for $350. No. How about Pioneer 56TXi, looks
good. Think I'll buy it! Next day: uhm..no, would
like separates. Look at NAD Silver series...
*drool* then look at price. ARGH! Too #$*& high!
Looked at Krell...*drool* too high, check
ebay..still high but lower than MSRP no pic
(stolen?)...pass...Jolida..theory: 2-channel
a/v system..use Sima 7-av switchbox on it...
hmm...seems too much trouble. Jolida not answer
my email questions...Discover Ah! Tjoeb..upscale
audio..interesting tube stuffs, but costly &
limited...what to do? what to buy? Surf, boy,
surf! You'll find something. Keep searching..
Home, weekends, at work..the obsession grows..
sleep: nein!..productivity: down!

And then after several visits to Outlaw Audio,
I see this wonderfully incredible deal coming
up on a 990! After looking at its rear, it's
like, man! That's probably $4000 bucks!! It
looks great but I can't afford that! Then
when I see the 90-day deal...WHOA! eek

I showed it to two of my buddies who found
it very startling. One guy recanted his
recommendation of a Carver Sunfire after
looking at it...it's got the same kind of
processing on the backside practically (of
course at 2nd quarter 2005 standards!).

About the only thing I could whine about
is the fact that it has an AM/FM tuner. I'd
prefer it had an extra input & no tuner. To
keep in line with separates theory. Plus, I'll
have a Prismiq attached to it & its internet
radio feature (plus Rhapsody) will be used
extensively as an "internet radio reference
tuner". But that's a very, very small gripe at
this point.

In the end, after all the rambling, this preamp
appears to be the best bang for the buck! That
& the purchase of the 7100 power amp to go
with it. If I'm lucky, perhaps they'll offer
a combo deal on that 90-day special? laugh

I'm really glad I surfed into this one. Talk
about timing!

Best Regards,
Twitchy One