One of the better posts. I work on very high energy (6-9 Mev) cargo screening X-ray systems at POE's around the country. Seaports, airports, highway crossings. Lotsa travel. Had the Hi-Fi bug since high school and started with Dynaco MKIII tube amps. Studied electronics in college because I wanted to know how it all worked. Been in the electronics field ever since. Hobbies are photography, camping, hunting, boating, Potomac/Chesepeake Rock fishing, home repair, travel, home entertainment. 3 kids, wife, dog. We have 2 in college this year so it's a tough year. Son graduates in May.

Happy and safe holidays to everybody!
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One