Yeah, I'm no expert on EMS...I was just the IT guy there, but from what I saw there, you could have anything from a simple EMS for a single house, to an EMS for a multistory building, on up to one for an entire complex and above that, as you said, one for multiple geographic regions.

It really is cool stuff though. Being able to see what's going on for HVAC, lighting, security, etc. for whatever discreet unit you have displays built for (floor, building, campus, etc.) with the ability to troubleshoot and make changes remotely.

Compared to that, the banking/finance space is kind of boring, but from an IT security stand-point much more rewarding. I spend a good portion of my day helping financial institutions shut down phishing sites, for instance.

A news report that I just saw said that something like 7 billion dollars was lost to phishing last year in the US alone. So it's nice to be a part of attempts to stem that flow.