As mentioned in our Mid-Spring 2003 Newsletter, we are conducting a contest in this space involving our forthcoming Model RR2150 product. The rules are as follows:

Two Model RR 2150s will be awarded: one for the first guess posted that comes closest to an accurate description of what it will be. Try your best to not only describe the product, but to decode the information in the model designation. Another RR 2150 will go to the entry that, in our sole opinion, is the most humorous description of what it might be, but isn’t. Everyone is allowed one entry in each category.

To get you started, we’ll seed things with some hints. The first is to say that the RR 2150 is the first of its kind for the Outlaws, but it may be the last of its kind for anyone and everyone else. In other words, this product is in a category where we currently do NOT offer a product, and when we’re done it may well be that no one else will offer one again. As a further hint, for those of you who are die hard film buffs is a reference to one of the Outlaw’s favorite obscure films. The general philosophy of this product was loosely inspired by the movie The Final Countdown, with Kirk Douglas.

{A side note to anyone who has already joined in on the discussion in the current RR 2150 thread: In fairness to those who have already made a guess as to what the RR 2150 is, all comments from the initial thread will be included in the contest, but since the participants in that thread did not have the benefit of the hints disclosed above, they will be allowed another chance to enter their guess.}

As always, one entry, with one guess in each category, per e-mail address. The winners will be selected at the sole discretion of Outlaw Audio, LLC. Anyone without access to e-mail may send an entry to us via the Postal Service as long as it reaches our offices before the contest closes at Midnight on June 4, 2003. (We will unveil the RR 2150 on June 5th at the Home Entertainment Show.) Employees of Outlaw Audio and its suppliers, as well as their direct family members are not eligible. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited by law, your mileage may vary, do not use while standing in a pool of water, change your socks before you leave home, look both ways before crossing the street, etc., etc.