Well my real guess is for a nice two-channel headphone amplifier.

Actually the model 200 is the code name for the Outlaw Audio Audiophile Security Sensor (A.K.A. The A.S.S). The purpose of this unit is too keep your HT/Audio system safe from audiophiles. It works through a complicated series of sensors and neural network algorithms that can detect the presence of an audiophile in a user defined listening space. Once detected, the unit injects an infinitesimally small amount of hiss into the music stream. Immediately the audiophile will notice something wrong and move their ear close to the speaker to determine the source of their discomfort. The unit then raises the system volume driving the offending audiophile from the listening space.

Disclaimer - I actually consider myself an audiophile, so no offense is intended to the sensitive audiophiles in the audience.

[This message has been edited by morphsci (edited October 13, 2002).]