Any truth to this posting from Audio Review?
Any comments would be appreciated.

This is the Audio Review Posting:

Submitted by: Ed Frias, Audiophile from Escondido, CA
This product's model year is 2000 and Ed has used it More than 1 year
Date Reviewed: 3/23/00 2:42:23 PM
Strengths: Sound, Construction, Headroom and Company experience!
Weaknesses: Only the person that can't lift it!
Similar Products Used: Krell, Aragon, Outlaw, B&K, Rotel, Adcom
Review Summary:
As a speaker manufacturer, I have auditioned many amps over the years. I find that different amps have certain qualities and attributes. Because audio equipment varies so much from owner to owner, each may find a certain amp sounds better in their system than others. That is why personal choices are subjective! But, are there audible differences in some amps that perhaps make one worth more than another? YES! How much more is up to the buyer to decide. As an ATI amp owner and dealer along with my speakers, I'd like to address the issue regarding the differences between the ATI and another popular amp, the Outlaw.

Many opinions have been written as to the ATI 1505 and the Outlaw 750 amplifiers. It is a known fact that the Outlaw amp is built by ATI for Outlaw! Because of that fact, many believe the Outlaw 750 is an ATI 1505 cloaked in a different dress. Let me be clear, IT IS NOT! Because of manufacturing costs and tooling, ATI uses a similar design and construction format, but the two amps have several differences that make the ATI superior to the Outlaw. That is not to say the Outlaw is not a good amp, because it is!

ATI is well aware of the fact that some believe they are buying a ATI 1505 at wholesale cost when buying an Outlaw 750. They believe they are skipping the mark-up of the retail dealers by buying an Outlaw amp factory direct. What they are buying is a good amp for $1100! Because it is built by ATI, it is probably the best 5 channel amp available for $1100! Step up a few hundred dollars more to the ATI 1505 or even the 1506, and you are not only buying the best amp for that price range, but I dare say for two to three times that price range! Thats not an opinion but a proven fact!

I challenge ANY magazine or independent person(s) to an honest comparison between the ATI and any other multi-channel amp on the market costing up to $5000! Why do I sound confident? Because several comparisons have already been performed and we continue to compare ATI with other amps. At the $2000 range, I just haven't found anything comparable! ATI has set the new standard and other amplifier companies are striving to come up to it. I hope many do, it will only be a benefit to the consumer!

For those who have wondered what the differences are between the ATI 1505 and Outlaw 750, here are a few.

(1) More transistors on the output stage. 8 per module for the ATI vs. 6 for the Outlaw.

(2) A larger power transformer. 2kva for the ATI vs. 1.6kva for the Outlaw.

(3) Advanced circuitry design in the ATI. Because of proprietary design I can't discuss the differences.

(4) Detachable AC power cord on the ATI. This allows upgrading the AC line for those who believe in that tweek.
Its main function is to make it simpler to remove the amp if necessary and change if ever damaged.

(5) A heavier gage metal used for the ATI cabinet.

What are the main reason to buy the ATI over the Outlaw? A better built, tougher amp with much better capabilities of running heavy loads and low efficiency speakers! With all 5 channels driven to max, the Outlaw CANNOT meet the demands that the ATI does! So, is the few hundred dollars difference worth it? Absolutely! But, on the other hand. For the person that can't afford the extra few hundred bucks, he still can buy an amp that has much of ATI's quality and will also out-perform any amps in it's class!
Considering that a buyer will only need to purchase this amp one time for many many years, I say go for the best and don't look back! ATI meets that requirement!
Ed Frias