Hi Bill,

I heard arguments about keeping your crossovers uniform, but I can’t recall the details now. I think you should play however.
There are rule of thumbs, and it seems to me, since I’ve starting trying to learn the subject the speaker response listed is often, to word it kindly, rather optimistic on many models as posted by their respective manuf in specs.

Because my life is hectic I’m a seventy percenter, I get about that far along the road (Knowing I should tweak for the extra 20 %) but run out of time to give it the attention it deserves. Cause sometimes ...it’s good enough when your life is crazy. I’ve had some good advice on setting crossovers here at Outlaw before, hopefully some familiar with the math of response and slopes etc, can be more specific to your brands.

I have had fun just systematically trying each setting with favorite and familiar passages in the past just to see what my ear likes best of the possible range of choices. Right now my systems out of whack needs calibrating and more.

But today I did the girl thing and shopped for something new to wear to the Meyerson. I’m very excited it’s unlike me to getting around to making plans to go do anything (I just always think I will). I read a blurb in last nights paper about Joshua Bell performing here, one portion of the performance to include John Corigliano's Red Violin Concerto (an expansion on the soundtrack from the movie “The Red Violin”) On Bell’s 290 yr. old Stradivari, one of the named violins the Gibson ex Hubermann

Bought tickets for tomorrow early this AM, I cant’ wait to hear this almost 300-yr. old violin …in person! It will prob. force me to tend to my business calibrating etc, when I come back home and pop in the soundtrack CD again

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited September 27, 2003).]