I hear what you are saying - but I think you've assumed / oversimplified way too much when you state (and I paraphrase) that those who can't afford a Lexicon can be happily satisfied with a 950. Wow!

The problem with paraphrasing someone's words is that you can easily subvert the meaning of what a person was trying to say. And, since I was the author of the original statement, you surely did this in your message. At no time did I mean to sound condescending and, after re-reading my comments several times I don't think that this is a valid interpretation of my words. Others have obviously seen this too and correctly interpreted my intentions.

If you have been following my comments not only in this thread but in all my talking about the 950, right back to Day One when I was one of the first users of this unit, I've stressed over and over that in price : performance the 950 is extremely hard to beat. I've not changed my position on that one iota.

My latest response was to a question of why I chose to go with a Lexicon rather than a Parsound or an Anthem or something of that ilk and that's what I was addressing. There are certain things, in my opinion, that the Lexicon offers that none of the other units mentioned (and many others) don't. Therefore, to me choosing between the non-Lexicon units, the 950 keeps coming out on top. However, the few things that the MC-8 does better than the 950 is what convinced me to shell out the extra money for the Lexicon. For many others, the incremental improvement is not worth the big jump in cost. Like they say, different strokes for different folks.

What it comes down to is this. The Lexicon costs a lot more than the Outlaw. Some people who would love to have a Lexicon can't see spending the money, either for economic reasons or for not thinking that the extra investment is worth the extra cost. What I did is certainly not what everyone else would do. I was just stating my preference here. At no time was I trying to talk down to anyone.

You state that you feel the difference between a Lexicon and a 950 is negligible. While I would agree that there is very little difference in most sonic modes (the Lexicon has some proprietatry modes that I enjoy but when comparing Apples to Apples the two units are very close) I disagree with your characterization for other features. To me, the tweakability and upgradability of the MC-8 is not "negligible" but significant. You, of course, are entitled to a different opinion.

And yes, I do realize that lots of people can afford a Lexicon and choose not to go that route for whatever reason. But I also realize that lots of people can't afford a Lexicon. bossobass read my words and my intentions correctly. You state that you "hear what I'm saying" but you clearly did not.

I meant no offense and I stand by my original statement.


My HT (latest update 07/27/03)
Now includes my Runco CL-710 DLP FP
and Lexicon MC-8

[This message has been edited by Robert A Fowkes (edited September 02, 2003).]

My HT - Updated 05/29/07