Hello, everyone. I have monitored these forums for the past several months and always enjoy the "spirited debates"! I hope everyone remains friends. I received my 950 this week and am very, very pleased. If I could have bought an ultra-expensive pre-pro, I would have considered it. Maybe the 950 is a stepping stone, maybe it is the end result. What surprised me the most is what great sound I achieve in 2 channel stereo through this unit! I personally prefer it to any processed multi-channel output from a 2 channel source. The 950 is a fantastic bargain and everyone here agrees to that. The only question is how much more you get for more money. I discovered that environmental adjustments, speaker placement and my frame of mind have more impact than most electronics. The multi-channel processing for 2 channel sources is very nice when others are around to listen though, because I don't want to give up my "sweet spot". Thanks again to everyone on the forum for helping me choose the 950 and learn more about sound reproduction.