Why would any bother with the Accuphase/Meridian/Linn/Classe/Madrigal/Theta models if the superiority of L7's decoding algorithm over all other choices can not be denied either by professionals or aficionados of AV? Don’t forget to cut some slack (and credit validity) all the way from the bottom into the top tier of expertise for preferences in audio implementation, user interface, DAC brands and post processing.
I have decided that it is past due to instruct all of you in the superiority of ‘CHICK FLICS” over all other possible genres of film.
I am highly qualified which should rate respect for the definitive and uncontestable validity of my arguments as regards ‘chic flics’. It’s one-half the family business throughout history; I come from a long line of ‘chicks’ my family is well represented by chics with a lifetime of professional and specialized chic industry behind them.
On the other side of the coin, a further basis for the irrefutable evidence my arguments are based upon. I have known many models of ‘chics’ over the years and have expertise in the current street value (new and used) as produced by the various manufactories. I have extensive opportunity to compare in controlled conditions in my own system all versions of software and hardware including most recent models of ‘chic’s launched.

Since I trump all expertise levels in this forum, both as a professional (in the industry) and through a massive amount of demo’s and models both in-home and at professionally installed demo locations (teas, charity functions, showers, weddings, funerals and La Bare).

I will now explain to you why my opinion as regards ‘chic’ flicks is superior (and Final) to all other categories, (Action-adventure, Sci-Fi, Horror). I will require you to bias rate my instruction due to the fact that I was in the neophyte sub-minority of females who had never acknowledged the superiority of ‘chic flicks’ in my past. However the sheer preponderance of professional and highly trained experts in this field have forced me to capitulate.

Who can refute massive numbers of professional females dragging dates to a 3rd viewing of “Titanic” and informing a spouse they are constructing a ‘hat’ for the “Ya Ya Sisterhood” themed monthly meeting of their Stock Portfolio Club.

Now while you all retrieve or purchase your latest studio-version, professional grade female equipped with box of Kleenex. for sealing leaky outputs, and high-end tonearm with diamond stylus, low pass home accessory filter and high-pass WAF AV filter - your homework assignment is to review a less demanding topic.

Amps on Top or Bottom, or, The care and feeding of Electrons.
RAF nice review! Good to hear from you and happy you got your Runco in the system finally...