Originally posted by sdurani:
Can't disagree with personal preference. However, I'm curious which type of LOGIC7 you listened to; though they may share the same name, the matrix decoder used on 2-channel material is different from the post-processing applied to 5.1/6.1 channel sources. In either case, what did you find "distracting" and/or "less desireable" about the sound?


I listened to it at a studio DVD authoring facility on at least 3 occasions, and I'm sure they were the latest versions of the system (Lexicon is widely used in professional facilities).

Processing that varies the soundstaging I spot instantly, and this is distracting to me. Keep im mind that I work on movie dubbing stages and hear soundtracks in their original master form, so I pick up on differences. Personally, I think in a properly set-up system, what the engineers do in the vast majority of instances sounds worse when "second-guessed" by electronic means. Especially in a system set up for 7.1 (even with the back surrounds mirroring the sides), I find the envelopment and integration with the mains very satisfactory, certainly better than Logic 7 or any other post-processing. Personally I think users should concentrate more on their room acoustics and setup than "band-aid" processing that supposedly makes thing "better than original".

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited July 29, 2003).]