Little Lena you're not so smart
Truer words were never spoken.

you didn't get the essence of my post

{excellent} product aimed at the bargain (and audiophile) shoppers of the Home Theatre World
edited to reflect personal opinion.

In my opinion the 950 is a good but not great Proc
Disagree with your opinion but only due to the fact that I have my own opinion.

Walmart, et al provide basic no frills products for their specific customers
When the 950 launched it had what other processors DID NOT have. (now admittedly this step is easy enough in the broadest terms due to the fact that a “latest” model anything normally carries the newest abilities per its genra which is not to be confused with the quality of the implementation). Two yrs out the 950 is a heavy contender in the most current pack.

Outlaw is a good bottom of the line product.
I can’t even count the number of products I would rate behind the 950 in the Que.

maybe having second thoughts?
Yes. Matter of fact: During my second thoughts purchased a second 950.

Mike, messing with you don’t want to be confrontational. Just disagree with your opinion. I should have used a automotive analogy (I will remember my location next time) Something ‘men’ can relate a little easier to.
The wealthiest woman I knew (growing up) shopped at K-Mart and interspersed purchases from that location with her higher-end from boutiques. Everyone naturally assumed (she was rich wasn’t she!) she paid a fortune for everything she and her daughters wore.

Where the clothes analogy is still very appropriate (for my tastes )is the fact that she knew how to discriminate between junk with a designer label and what was quality regardless of class. And she knew when the weight of the cotton and loom weave on a simple T, was higher thread count (and better quality) than a lessor quality “designer” version. She also knew when the $4 dollar T (Vs the premium $6 dollar T line at K-Mart) would shrivel up, - never to be the same size nor wrinkle free after its first laundering. She shopped judiciously, but she (or I) could never get the 1000 hand-sewn crystal embroidered evening gown with 100 % natural silk lining at K-Mart. I see a difference between having money to shop anywhere and shopping only by name (or popular trends) and guarding that pocket book by shopping for quality without prejudice towards what or whom provides it. Thus my choice of comparison.

I think (just my life now!) that Outlaw is more a company for those who have time for research, torridal transformers, quality of crossovers, filters, resisters and chips Vs faceplates and feature set (stated very clearly in the broadest terms right on the box (or website) for those in a hurry)

How do you like HDTV (assume you would not live without it since you add it to your moniker).
I find it very gratifying!