Okay, I don't know if many wives actually get on this forum and talk, but here I am and I have something to say! LOL

I am sitting here begging AJ to get three Paradigm 20's for our rear's and then get 3 of those cute as pie mini-blocks for the amps. And you know what he is saying guys??
He doesn't want to spend the money. Well, here is my theory and just out of curiosity I would love to hear what some of you guys have to say. We already have a kick butt sub, and that thing he calls a processor 950 something, the best TV, he just bought the 100's (which I also told him to buy) and we have 3 of the cute little mini-blocks already. Now, if you are all still with me, I think that if we are going to complete the system and have something that will knock the pictures off the walls, we should get the system which I have described above.
Now, I don't know too much about all this stuff, but I think that is a good idea. Does anyone have any opinions?? They will be greatly appreciated!