
I have no idea why one product sounds better then the other and could care less WHY it sounds better (maybe an engineer type could answer your question better). If somebody made a pre-pro outta cheap radio-shack parts and sold it for 100.00 I wouldnt care. If it sounded better to me then I'd buy it. Thats the really the main factor I go by. I buy one piece of gear and compare it to another(a/b style if possible), if it sounds better then it has a new home.

Now yes, sound is subjective just like anything else.If the 950 sounds better to you then a 5000.00 pre-pro more power to ya, or if a 200.00 sony sounds better to you, thats ok too.

Does the 950 sound better to YOU then the aragon or theta or lexicon or meridian or anthem ?..I take it you have compared it to some of these units directly, correct ?..just curious