Some had a beef with me not hearing the Outlaw in my own system. Then, I borrowed it and post this review and you want me to leave?
If you're referring to me, you're wrong. My beef was not with the fact that you had not heard the Outlaw on your own system. My beef was that you insisted that we had to hear different prepros on OUR OWN SYSTEMS to make up our own minds, while you were allowed to come to your conclusions based on hearing the 950 on SOMEBODY ELSE'S system. That's called a double standard.

Some of you have some nerve. First you talk about me without my knowledge (in the KCB at HTF thread) before I arrived.
You write inflamatory posts on a public forum for the whole internet to read then you complain that we have "some nerve" when we comment on your posts here?

Welcome to the internet. May want to check your closet for the "big boy pants".

BTW good job getting the Outlaw 950 in your house. I hope your audition was worth the time it took to hook everything up.

Philip Hamm

[This message has been edited by Philip Hamm (edited April 08, 2003).]
Philip Hamm