Listen, in other forums, I don't care what is said about the 950, or how many times it is said, over, and over, and over, and over again, but this is unreal.

Ricky, I think what people are trying to say is you need to grow up. You are a grown man so act like it. You are carrying on in multiple forums like it is some personal crusade about how Outlaw is worth 900 bucks, no more. Is this what you honestly choose to do with your free time? Also, please, tell us 1764 million more times what you have owned, it never gets old reading that 2 or 3 times a day. You are on another company's forum so at least you should respect their wishes. If you were coming here to help, nobody would care, but the fact is we, and everyone else in this hobby, knows that Ricky T from Teaneck NJ is very anti Outlaw so your recommendations hold little to no weight on this matter. You claim you like to help people, but you don't come here to help the Outlaw community, you come here to put us, and every prospective 950 buyer, in their place. Get a life, grow up and get a hobby that doesn't make you so insecure, if that's possible.

And please, that review, what a joke!!! Like that wasn't predetermined. Raise your hand if anybody thought Ricky would write a positive review of the 950. How predictable. I bet you could have wrote that in a dark room without hearing either of them. Nothing you say is new, nor interesting. You don't like Outlaw, You KNOW the 950 is worth just 900-1500 dollars and the Aragon is so unbelievable because you have spent the last four years of you life demoing other processors, how pathetic. Anything else you care to add? I think that about covers it.
Hey, at least you got a blind follower and cheerleader in JT.

By the way, I once wrote that I disliked the Aragon and I got death threats from people. Oh, you want a source? Its on the Internet, just look it up.

[This message has been edited by Jed M (edited April 08, 2003).]