Some of you have some nerve. First you talk about me without my knowledge (in the KCB at HTF thread) before I arrived. Then, had no problems debating and sorta teaming up on me in that long thread. Some had a beef with me not hearing the Outlaw in my own system. Then, I borrowed it and post this review and you want me to leave? Whatever.

I see several posts asking about how the 950 compares to other products; I'm sure these are from prospective, not current or past, 950 owners. And don't tell me this is just about Aragon. I am certainly not married to one brand, I've owned over a dozen processors and will continue to try others. Like B&K or Anthem, or perhaps one day a Theta or Meridian, or a Pioneer Elite receiver with MCACC, and on and on.

Here's what someone posted in response to my review on another forum.

"Careful Ricky, I posted some not too flattering comments about the 950 on another forum. What followed were not only posts but emails telling me I was everything from stupid to the Anti-Christ.
I had purchased one for a second system, found it unacceptable, then returned it."
Why should he get nasty emails for voicing his own opinion on a product he bought, tried in his own home, and returned? I have never heard anyone getting nasty emails from owners of any brand. Talk about unappropriate behavior!

Thanks for not sharing the view that I should leave. I didn't post too many specs, because like you said, anyone can ask. If you ever want to discuss anything, feel free to call me, or you can find me on other forums.