
Outlaw has proven that they are patient and lenient to a fault in allowing posters unbridled rein but personally I have long felt that you and a few others, are taking advantage of that situation due to your stated unhappiness with Outlaw Customers and prospective Customers countless Posts which offended you, before the 950 was ever released to purchase.

I know your consuming desire and personal crusade to place the 950 in its place as regards the AV hierarchy and how cost should equate to sound. But please consider that this is an Outlaw customer’s forum. Your review of your demo of the Outlaw (borrowed) to the Aragon (which you own) is not inappropriate, and I for one am always interested in individuals tastes as relayed in Head to Head comparisons I read in general forums.
I am assuming you own at least one (an ICBM maybe? ) or intend to purchase an Outlaw product shortly?

I’m sure if you stopped to consider your collective posts recently here in the Outlaw forum and in other forums and contemplating a bit on the motivations you previously indicated are behind your stated credo that Outlaw Owners should be forced to realize that in your decided opinion the 950 could not and (should not) be the equal to any pre-pro costing 3x as much. I believe as a rational and fair-minded individual you should recall that Outlaw has asked that other products not be promoted and hawked in OUTLAW’s forum which is after all set up for the convenience of Outlaw owners. It’s rather bad cricket, in your last post on this page to suggest multiple alternatives to purchasing a 950. (Unless you’d like to take on the costs and responsibilities of this forum)
If you were unaware of the polite request to refrain from promoting competitors products in the Outlaw forum. I think it would take little insight, rather should be self-evident that the proper place to promote those items would be in their respective manufacture’s individually provided forum, or in the many general AV forums, which are available to you on the web.

A gentle reminder (I hope) for you to reflect on. I am very happy that you are enjoying your Stage One, and wish you many fine hours of listening pleasure.
Sincerely, MMS

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited April 06, 2003).]