
Your choice of speakers does not surprise me, given your emphasis on music reproduction. It is exactly that focus that is the biggest challenge for horn speakers. Of all the tweaking and fiddling I've done, by far the largest effort has been in making the reproduction of music as good as that of movie soundtracks (after all, movies are comprised of music too). It can be done.

I have succeeded in doing this, BUT it has involved a lot of work and sweat!

Would I recommend horns for people whose focus is music reproduction instead of films? NO WAY! Unless one is willing and able to do a lot of work, or finds a horn system that already sounds great to them for music, I would recommend a speaker system with direct radiators.

I would be interested in hearing the feedback of the other Outlaws out there that have horn systems like the Klipsch. How do they think they perform for music, verses movies?

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited January 27, 2003).]