
My My, I don't think you fully understand the myriad of issues involved in 'distortion' in vacuum tube design. It is not as simple as as it seems by a long shot, and it certainly can't be put in a convenient box lablled 'harmonic distorion'. Do you have any _direct_ experience in vacuum tube verses solid state design other than once owning a tubed guitar amp? I don't mean to be harsh about it, but you seem to be reguritating the same mis-informed opinions that are very common among people who have never actually done extended research and listening into the subject. There are good and bad examples of _every_ technology, tube or solid state, and to gloss them over by pointing a finger at one single parameter without any regard to specifics of the design in it's entireity is not good form.

[This message has been edited by soundhound (edited January 13, 2003).]