Everybody: Take a deep, deep breath.

I believe 2 things:

1. Even if a person or company always tries to do the right and ethical thing, some people will not be happy, and cannot be made happy. This is not to say they don't have a reason to be unhappy, but no matter how hard an honest person or company tries, there will be problems that can't be resolved.

2. All companies have problems with their products. However, we don't hear about all the recalls or failed units because, unlike Outlaw, there is no forum provided to easily air these problems. At Outlaw, there is a real, live person reading postings and trying to help--can't say that about most businesses.

Suggestion: Give it a week, then post what Outlaw has done to resolve the issue. Problems with products are expected--the key is what happens to resolve the problem.

[This message has been edited by michaelstano (edited October 27, 2003).]
Michael Stano

Outlaw 950
Parasound HCA 1000Ax3
Klipsch KG 3.2s frt & rr
Klipsch KV 3 ctr
Klipsch KV 2 surr ctr
Sony CDP-CX355 CD
MonsterPower HTS2500MkII
Mitsubishi DD 8020 DVD
Mitsubishi 46" 16:9 TV