
look at the one page in the 1.0 spec that deals with copy protection: Page GI3-13. It basically pushes the question of which CP scheme to use back on the manufacturer OR on the disc producer.

The likelyhood is that it will be some form of 5C/DTCP, but who knows? The document simply allows for a scheme, but doesn't say which one.

This is so confusing...

Did the DVD-Audio Forum neglect to specify what security scheme should be incorporated on top of firewire? Is some additional security specification required, before the DVD-A firewire interface can be used between components built by different vendors?

The audiorevolution.com URL from above is dated December 13, 2002 and said the DVD-Audio Forum adopted FireWire in September for DVD-Audio transmission. But I thought they adopted firewire in concept a year ago, for transmitting digital DVD-A.

Again, this is so confusing...

[This message has been edited by Will (edited December 17, 2002).]