I was able to figure out that the changes were at 30 second intervals based on the beginning of the track. The 1:00 to 1:30 segment has a very audible increase in - now, no one get upset or worried - analog hiss. It is barely detectible from 0:30 to 0:31. So, I just guessed, rather than heard, that the changes were of the same duration. Once the tune starts moving, I found it difficult to hear any change. I was particularly listening to the ride cymbal and the two saxophones and thought I could hear subtle changes, but nothing definitive at all. As for Miles, well, I think you can record him at 4 bits or 2 bits and his tone will sound pure . I could hear no difference through the trumpet passage.

I was going to do some more listening tonight but I couldn't resist following the link. I don't profess to be an audiophile but I really appreciated this exercise. I'm going to tell my wife that I should have heard the difference as clearly as day and night and, since I couldn't, that I need to upgrade again. She'll tell me that it's a lost cause and try to talk me into the Lifestyle system from that company in Framingham, Mass.

Thanks Soundhound. BTW, how did your first subject do?